Our Vision

Our organization, the UADRT, is dedicated to promoting the safety and well-being of your community, home, and family. As we continue to expand our reach, we encourage you and your neighbors to join us in our efforts. Our ultimate vision is to create a culture of resilience, where every individual is equipped to handle the challenges presented by disasters. However, we recognize that this can only be achieved with your support. Our mission is to provide communities with the resources and assistance needed to mitigate the impact of disasters. With a team composed of experienced professionals in areas such as disaster mitigation, preparedness, response, relief, search and rescue, HAZMAT, law enforcement, fire service, military, medical, logistics, communications, and more, we are confident in our ability to offer the highest level of service to those in need.

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We are growing everyday and we can’t do this without YOU the community members. The UADRT vision is every individual can be prepared for a disaster. And as a comumunity we will develop a culture of resilency and preparedness. Disaster mitigation, general preparedness, and response is only possible with Your help. Our organization assists communities across the nation in need, by habing a standardized curriculum to support local and state agencies


United Americans Disaster Response Team was started by emergency managers, first responders, veterans and members of health and public safety. Comprised of individuals just like you our mission is to create a culture of resiliency in every day individuals, before, during and after a disaster. Learn more about what we do!


UADRT provides free membership training, and education to provide maximum effectiveness. We want you, your family, friends, and neighbors to become resilient. For us to achieve our impact, our organization invests in every individual at no cost but a persons need to make a difference and change how we react, respond, and recover in disaster. To learn more go to our about us page.


United Americans Disaster Response Team was created in 2020 by Citizens, Figherfighters, Police Officers, Veterans, and Certified Emergency Managment Managers. We are a 501(c)(3) Orginization

The Board

Years of planning, research, and experience in disasters believes that a well instructed, well trained citizen can save lives and make a difference. Our experience comes from first responders, certified emergency managers, mitigation specialists, veterans, law enforcement, firefighters that it takes a whole community approach to disasters for the most effective sustainability and recovery from the expected and unexpected. Learn more about our board members.


United Americans Disaster Response Team is a national 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Our organization is non-political and a nongovernmental organization. To expand our impact, UADRT membership is available at no cost. To join please click the apply button